We always strive to do more for our customers
At Lincoln Industries, we believe that taking care of our customers always comes first. Each year, we conduct a customer satisfaction survey and we are proud that we continue to receive high scores year after year. Our survey tells us that we are aligned with what our customers value most in a strategic supplier: technical support, problem solving and perceived value. We continue to focus on these attributes in order to provide our customers with the best service possible.
Lincoln Industries' unique approach to customer service houses Production Planning and Customer Service groups in one department. This department then works together to achieve on-time delivery, meet customer requirements, provide technical support and solve challenges that may arise. Our customer service representatives take pride in what they do. Many of them served in operations before joining customer service, so they have a good understanding of the full scope of the business, allowing them to provide important technical support. Housing these two esstential groups in one department also improves on-time delivery and quality. Today, our on-time delivery averages 99 percent.
In addition to the day-to-day customer service group, Lincoln Industries has a Strategic Accounts team that manages large strategic customers and ensures we are delivering value in every facet of their business. This group, made up of account managers, is focused on building relationships at every level of the companies they serve. They discover opportunities to develop new finishes or technologies, or ways to improve current production parts.
Within both the customer service and strategic accounts groups there are resident engineers who maintain a strong, consistent presence at our customer's facility. This allows us to tackle projects at the source and address any challenges or needs immediately.